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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Community Risk Management Plan?

Under the Welsh Government Fire and Rescue National Framework 2016, one of the key objectives for Fire and Rescue Services in Wales is to continually and sustainably reduce risk and enhance the safety of citizens and communities.

A Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) aims to identify risks facing the community and describes how the Fire and Rescue Authority will manage those risks, and continue to prevent and respond to fires and other emergencies.

What period does the Community Risk Management Plan cover?

Our Community Risk Management Plan will cover the five-year period 2024 to 2029, and supersedes our previous Corporate Plan which covered the period 2021 to 2024. We will report upon our progress against the final year of that Plan in our Annual Performance Assessment in the Autumn of 2024.

Why is there also an Implementation Plan for 2025-26?

The 2025-26 Implementation Plan details our departmental objectives for the forthcoming financial year, and they are aligned to the risks and long-term objectives identified in the Community Risk Management Plan. Each year we will publish an implementation plan that will assist us to deliver progress against the five-year Community Risk Management Plan 2024-29.

Why are you consulting on the Community Risk Management Plan and the Implementation Plan?

The Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 places a statutory duty on North Wales Fire and Rescue Service to set itself improvement objectives in each financial year and to consult residents, businesses, visitors and stakeholders on proposed improvement objectives.

In addition, there is a statutory requirement under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 for Public Bodies to publish annual well-being objectives. Although there is no requirement to consult on the proposed well-being objectives, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service will seek feedback from the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and welcomes feedback from all consultees in respect of them.

What does consultation involve?

Consultation will gather feedback from people who live, work and travel in the region about how we provide our prevention, protection and response services in North Wales.

The consultation process encourages people, including our staff, to let us know what they think.

A communications strategy has been developed to ensure that information is presented utilising a variety of communications channels in order to reach a wide audience to maximise engagement.

We will work closely with representatives from vulnerable and under-represented groups to ensure that information is presented utilising a variety of communications channels in order to reach diverse audiences and ensure inclusive engagement.

There are several ways you can get involved;

Complete the consultation survey here.

If you do not have access to the internet

Call or text us on 07717 516187; or

E-mail us at  - we can send you a paper copy of the questionnaire, which you can return to us free of charge.

An easy read format is available on our website - which also offers information in English and Welsh and provides a user-friendly assistive toolbar, including a read aloud function, larger text and the ability to view the information in a wide range of additional languages.

How long will the consultation run?

The public consultation takes place between the 21st October and midnight on the 16th of December 2024. This will be communicated widely both internally to staff and externally to the public and our stakeholders.

How will the feedback be used?

All the feedback received from the public, businesses, visitors and stakeholders during the consultation will be regularly monitored and analysed to identify any reoccurring themes and to ensure we have not overlooked any risks or realistic mitigations.

The feedback will be summarised and presented to Fire and Rescue Authority Members for their consideration, prior to approving the publication of a final version of the Community Risk Management Implementation Plan on our website in April.

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