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Disability Introduction                                                         

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service are committed to fulfilling our statutory obligations in relation to equality, fairness and inclusion.  The equality Act 2010 and the Wales Specific Equality Duty 2011 places a duty on public authorities, when carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to:

  • promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
  • encourage participation by disabled people in public life

Disability of one kind or another affects a high proportion of the population. In particular, we have identified sight, hearing, and mobility as factors which increase risks in the home.

Disability can be a risk factor in relation to fire and measures have been put in place to help people stay safe such as vibrating smoke alarms for deaf people.

We have been reducing fire risks for disabled people for many years – we are using this experience to explore other risks with partners, especially in relation to frail and elderly people.

We work closely with a range of disability groups and organisations to ensure we understand the needs of people with various disabilities, including mental health issues.

Definitions of type of disability:

  • Learning disability

Examples include dyslexia and dyspraxia.

  • Long-standing illness or health condition

Examples include cancer, multiple sclerosis or HIV infection and are automatically classed as a disability.   Other conditions or progressive illnesses such as diabetes may also be included depending on the impact they have on your daily life.

  • Mental health condition

A mental health condition is considered a disability if it has a long-term effect on your normal day to day activity (long-term means if it lasts or is likely to last more than 12 months). Examples include (clinical depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder).

  • Physical impairment

This can include includes conditions such as back problems or conditions which are recurring or fluctuating such as arthritis or asthma.

  • Sensory impairment (sight, hearing, other)

The wearing of glasses to improve your sight is not classed as a disability.



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