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Equality Impact Assessments

Equality Impact Assessments

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service as a public authority is required to have due regard in how it designs and delivers its services by ensuring they:

  1. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and
  2. advance equality of opportunity; and
  3. foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

One way to show due regard is to carry out assessments of the potential impact of its work against different equality markers. North Wales Fire and Rescue Services aseses the impact against people which fall within definitions of protected characteristics, but other markers are used to characterise people who are deemed 'at risk'.

The potential impact is assessed against how services are designed and delivered. This involves everything from policies, procedures, training, recruitment, and promotions etc.

The aim of an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) is to proactively consider any potential barriers and/or practices which may lead to discrimination. As a result, EIAs highlight the positive impacts which ensure service delivery is inclusive and there are positive outcomes for our communities.

EIAs also highlight any potential negative impacts and the relevant measures taken to mitigate, reduce and where possible completely eliminate any possibility of discrimination. EIAs enable North Wales Fire and Rescue Service to meet its legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, but that it ensures the EIA process is as inclusive as possible to become a welcoming employer of choice.

Copies of EIAs are available upon request. Please contact us here.

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