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General Data Protection Regulation

What is personal data and why do you need it?

Personal data is defined as ‘any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject') who can be identified directly or indirectly by that data’.  We may need your data in order for us to provide our services and deliver on our legal obligations.  We provide more detail on what we hold and how we treat this data in our privacy notices.

Privacy Notices

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service respects your privacy and complies with the UK GDPR. How we achieve this is provided on our privacy notice which you can find here. This link also provides access to our other privacy notices which relate to specific areas of our work.

Subject Access Request

You have a right to access a copy of the data that NWFRS holds about you.  This application is called a Subject Access Request

For security purposes please be aware that in order to receive your information we will ask you to provide two forms of identification such as a driving licence, birth certificate, passport or bank statement.  This is used to confirm your identity and ensures we are responding to the correct person.

If you want to submit a Data Subject Access Request to the Service you can do so by submitting an email here

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Act creates a right of access to the public for recorded information held by most public authorities. It places obligations on authorities, including NWFRS and exemptions for when our information does not have to be published.

Subject to exemptions you have rights that which require us to:

  • Advise you in writing whether we hold the requested information and provide it to you if we do
  • Respond to your request within 20 working days (excluding UK public holidays).

If you are not satisfied with our response you can ask for an internal review where we will reconsider your request.  If you remain unsatisfied you have the right to refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner.  Contact details for the Information Commissioner are at the bottom of this page.

Publication Scheme

Public authorities are required to have a publication scheme.  This ensures that we routinely publish information relevant to the information classes. This determines the type of information we should share.  We may also share data that is requested as part of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The purpose of the scheme is to allow the public to understand the information that we hold and make it easy for you to access that information.

If a fee is payable for the information required, this will be documented on the relevant section.

You can access our publication scheme here

Our Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer
North Wales Fire and Rescue Service HQ
Ffordd Salesbury
St Asaph Business Park
St Asaph
LL 17 0JJ

Information Commissioner

The Information Commissioner is responsible for ensuring we meet our obligations and can be contacted in the following ways:

By post:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Online at: Information Commissioner's Office

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