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The Welsh Language Standards

The Welsh Language Standards

The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 replaced the Welsh Language Act 1993 and as part of the new legislation, in Wales the Welsh language has equal legal status with English and must not be treated any less favourably. Public bodies no longer need to develop and implement Welsh Language Schemes and must comply with a set of national Welsh Language Standards instead.

The Welsh Language Commissioner issued fire and rescue services with their Compliance Notices on 30th September 2016. This document lists which of the Standards (as listed in full in the Welsh Language Standards Regulations (No.5) 2016) an organisation must comply with, along with any exemptions and their implementation dates.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service has a statutory duty to comply with standards listed along with the compliance date in the “Compliance notice – Section 44 Welsh language (Wales) Measure 2011”, issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner on the 30th of September 2016. The Service is expected to comply with most standards by the 30th of March 2017.

To view the Service's Compliance Notice click here.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service's Implementation Plan shows how we intend to comply with the new standards.

To view our Implementation Plan click here.

Annual Monitoring Report

The Welsh Language Standards require the Service to produce an annual report, in relation to each financial year, which deals with the way it has complied with the service delivery standards, policy making standards and operational standards which were issued in our Compliance Notice.

During this period of transition between the Welsh Language Scheme and the Welsh Language Standards, our Annual Welsh Language Monitoring Report for 2016-17 shows how we operated the Welsh Language Scheme.

To view the Welsh language Annual Monitoring Report 2016-17 click here.

Welsh Language Monitoring Report 2023-2024

Prior to the 2023-2024 monitoring report, our report on our performance against the Welsh language standards was recorded within our Annual Performance Assessment which can be found here:

Annual Performance Assessment 2022-2023

Annual Performance Assessment 2021 - 2022

Annual Performance Assessment 2020-2021

Annual Performance Assessment 2019-2020 

Annual Performance Assessment 2018-2019

Annual Performance Assessment 2017-2018

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