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Meeting Dates 2020/21

Purpose of Report

To inform Members of the dates for meetings of the full Fire and Rescue Authority, Executive Panel and Audit Committee for 2020/21.

Executive Summary

Dates for meetings of the full Fire and Rescue Authority, Executive Panel and Audit Committee for 2020/21 are as shown in
paragraphs 7-9 of this report.


That Members note the dates for meetings of the Fire and Rescue Authority, Executive Panel and Audit Committee set for the forthcoming year.


Dates of all meetings until June 2020 were set in June 2019. Advance notification of dates will assist Members and officers with their schedules.


Fire and Rescue Authority

Standing Order 4(2) of the Authority’s Standing Orders says that meetings of the Authority shall take place a minimum of four times per year and the annual meeting shall take place no later than June. These meetings shall normally take place on the third Monday of the month unless otherwise determined by the Chair in consultation with the Clerk and Chief Fire Officer.

Dates for the NWFRA meetings to be held at Conwy County Borough Council Chamber, 10.30am, are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday 16 March 2020
  • Monday 15 June 2020
  • Monday 21 September 2020
  • Monday 21 December 2020
  • Monday 15 March 2021

Executive Panel

Dates for the Executive Panel meetings, to be held at Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters St Asaph (normally at10.00am), are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday 10 February 2020
  • Monday 18 May 2020
  • Monday 27 July 2020, 2pm
  • Monday 19 October 2020
  • Monday 15 February 2021

Audit Committee

Dates for the Audit Committee meetings, to be held at Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters St Asaph at 10.00am, are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday 27 January 2020
  • Monday 27 July 2020
  • Monday 21 September 2020, 9.30am, Bodlondeb
  • Monday 25 January 2021


Wellbeing Objectives

Not considered relevant


Not considered relevant


Meetings are held in accordance with the NWFRA’s Standing Orders and relevant terms of reference

Members are expected to abide by their code of conduct at all times


Not considered relevant

Equalities/Human Rights/
Welsh Language

All meetings of the Fire and Rescue Authority are equalities compliant


Not considered relevant

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