Chair's Report
This report provides Members with information on the meetings and events attended by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority in their official capacities between January 2020 and March 2020.
The Chair and/or Deputy Chair have attended several meetings and events, both internally and externally on behalf of the Authority.
That Members note the information provided.
This report has not previously been considered.
In addition to the Authority-related meetings, the Chair and Deputy Chair have met with the Chief Fire Officer (CFO) on a regular basis. In addition, the Chair and/or Deputy Chair have attended Phoenix achievement ceremonies across the North Wales region.
The Chair recently attended a meeting of the North Wales Regional Leadership Board which aims to provide strategic leadership to promote more efficient and effective public services. It was agreed the Authority would provide input to the Task and Finish Group to scope where the Board can add value to the work being undertaken by each organisation on climate change.
The Chair, along with the CFO and officers welcomed the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government to a Phoenix demonstration at Flint Fire Station on 24 January 2020.
Wellbeing Objectives | Not relevant. |
Budget | Any costs associated with meetings and events attended by members are reimbursed from the travel and subsistence budget. |
Legal | No specific implications arise from approving the recommendation. |
Staffing | No specific implications arise from approving the recommendation. |
Equalities/Human Rights/ | No specific implications arise from approving the recommendation. |
Risks | No specific risks arise from approving the recommendation. |