Annual Governance Statement 2020/21
This report is to present to members the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21.
The CIPFA/Solace Delivering Good Governance in Local Government Framework (2016) (the Code) requires the Fire and Rescue Authority (the Authority) to publish an Annual Governance Statement.
The Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 is set out in Appendix 1 and has been prepared in accordance with the principles set out in the Code, which covers seven key areas of governance.
In accordance with the Code a forward work programme for 2021/22 is contained within the Annual Governance Statement.
The Annual Governance Statement will be published as part of the production of the statutory financial statements for 2020/21.
An assessment will be made by the external auditor to confirm whether it is consistent with the financial statements and has been produced in line with the Code.
Members are asked to recommend approval of the governance arrangements and action plan as outlined within the 2020/21 Annual Governance Statement (Appendix 1).
Since 2010/11 all local government bodies have been required, by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, to prepare an Annual Governance Statement which is published as part of the Statutory Accounts.
The purpose of the Annual Governance Statement is to assess and demonstrate that there is a sound system of corporate governance throughout the organisation.
CIPFA and Solace introduced a new governance framework, Developing Good Governance in Local Government: Framework, in April 2016, with seven new governance principles. By adopting the Framework the Authority should be ensuring that its governance arrangements in practice are in accordance with the principles. In essence, it is an accountability statement from the Authority to stakeholders on how well it has delivered on governance over the course of the previous year. The benchmarks that are used to make that statement are the principles in the Framework.
The purpose of the Annual Governance Statement is to set out the Authority’s arrangements to ensure that:
• business is conducted in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations;
• public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for; and
• resources are used economically, efficiently and effectively to achieve agreed priorities which benefit local people.
The Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 is set out in Appendix 1. It provides an overview of the governance arrangements and confirms the work plan for 2021/22.
The Annual Governance Statement is reviewed by Audit Wales to confirm that it is consistent with its knowledge of the Authority and the financial statements.
Wellbeing Objectives This report links to NWFRA’s long-term well-being objectives and demonstrates the governance arrangements in place to enable the Service to provide emergency responses and prevention work well in to the future.
Budget Not applicable
Legal The Annual Governance Statement has been prepared in accordance with the prescribed standards.
Staffing None
Equalities/Human Rights/ Welsh Language None
Risks A sound governance framework supports the Authority’s risk management arrangements.