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Executive Panel

Executive Panel

The Executive Panel has quite a varied role dealing with such topics as the appointment of senior officers, consideration of disciplinary and pension-related matters, and dealing with policy and constitutional issues as the need arises.

It usually deals with responses to consultation papers and other policy developments and makes recommendations to the Fire and Rescue Authority on its key policies, including the Improvement and Well-being Plan. The Panel usually deals with senior appointments by setting up a special sub-committee for the purpose.

The Panel's Terms of Reference were set in 2001 and are reviewed as and when required. It consists of the chair and vice chair and two members from each constituent authority. It is chaired by the Chair or, in his/her absence, the Deputy Chair.

It meets four times a year, between each meeting of the Fire and Rescue Authority, although additional meetings may be held depending on workload and, in particular, what personnel issues require its involvement.

You can access here:

The Panel's Terms of Reference

Executive Panel Meetings - 2019 onwards

Executive Panel Membership

Councillor Dylan Rees (Chair)
Councillor Paul Cunningham (Deputy Chair)
Councillor Carol Beard
Councillor Alan Hughes
Councillor Chris Hughes

Councillor John I Jones

Councillor Gareth A Roberts
Councillor Rondo Roberts
Councillor Paul Rogers
Councillor Gareth Sandilands
Councillor Dale Selvester
Councillor Rob Triggs

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