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Fly Tipping and Waste Management

Fly Tipping and Waste Management

Refuse - Waste Management fires typically involve waste skips and other types of large containers and can spread to involve buildings.

Advising workplace managers of the hazards associated with ill-considered skip location has become a simple but effective part of our day to day service. We have remained committed to deterring would be fire setters from igniting such waste, it remains a fact that if there was less refuse available to burn there would be fewer fires.

If you wish to report fly tipping, please contact the Natural Resources Wales on Freephone 0800 807 060.

Before you call, please ensure you have the following information if possible.

  • The exact location of the tipping
  • The nature of the tipping for example, is it mostly tyres? Does it contain gas cylinders?
  • Approximately, how long has it been there?
  • Is it on Local Authority land or private land?
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