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Feedback survey

Feedback survey

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service believe it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of our Business Fire Safety audits in accordance with our objectives, including continuous improvement of service delivery.

Following a visit to a business premises we will invite premises managers to complete an on-line questionnaire covering elements of the fire safety visit we have carried out, including how punctual and polite were our Officers, what was covered by the visit, what fire safety advice was given, how informative was the visit, how were any recommendations followed up, what enforcements were made if any etc. In addition the effectiveness of the Fire Safety Audit can be measured by the risk level before and after the Fire Safety Audit.

All responses are collated by the software system which converts data into a report for evaluation. This will build into a valuable data and information source over a period of time, and meaningful reporting will be able to be produced in the future.

Click here to take part in the survey.

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