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Op Bang Challenge 2024

With Halloween and Bonfire night fast approaching, North Wales Police and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service are once again working together to ensure your celebrations are safe and enjoyable for everyone.

This time of the year is traditionally busy for all emergency services across Wales, with a small minority of people using Halloween and Bonfire Night to commit Anti-Social Behaviour, placing themselves and others at risk of injury.

Halloween and Bonfire Night can be a distressing and intimidating time for the vulnerable and older members of our community so please be mindful of other people whilst carrying out your celebrations.

This year, North Wales Police and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service are offering young people a chance to give back to their community and be in with a chance of winning some fantastic prizes for themselves or their club.

The Op Bang Challenge is a great way for young people to get together with their friends and help out in their local area.

If your stuck for ideas, don’t worry, we have provided some suggestions below. But ultimately, the decision is yours.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service challenge ideas

  • Raise awareness of the dangers of fireworks at home and away
  • Improve a neglected area to prevent fires
  • Safeguard vulnerable members of the community during the Op Bang period
  • Consider ways to keep animals safe during this time of year

North Wales Police Challenge ideas

  • Have a look around in your community and see how you could make people feel safer in the darker evenings.
  • Create a project that looks at Anti-Social Behaviour and how it aff­ects our communities.
  • Devise a way that you can make a di­fference to the environment in your community.

PACT challenge ideas

  • Devise a project that helps older people feel safe over the Halloween and Bonfire period.
  • Create a short video in your school or youth club that promotes staying safe at Halloween and Bonfire time.
  • Create a project that improves your local green spaces.
  • A campaign to promote road safety for young people walking to and from school during the winter.

The Challenge

  • Your Team must be part of an establish youth group, club, class or school
  • There is no upper or lower limit on numbers of people to form a team
  • A team can be made up of a mixture of ages between 5 - 18 years.
  • More than one team project may be entered into the competition
  • Win money for your club, group or school!
  • 1st Prize £750, 2nd Prize £500, 3rd Prize £250, plus further cash prizes to be won!
  • Your project must help make a difference to the lives of other people
  • Register your group from 14th October - 11th November!

Please click here to read our Op Bang Challenge Guidebook which features all the rules and regulations you need to know about.

To Enter!

Each group will need an adult advisor – Someone you know and over the age of 17.  Your adult advisor will need to register your team, then your Op Bang Logbook will be sent to you, and you are ready to go!

To register, please complete the form in  in PDF form here and email to

If you require any further information please contact North Wales Police Youth Engagement Officer.

Good luck and don’t forget to tag us in your social media posts #opbangchallenge2024

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