Fire and Rescue Authority Meeting 9 November 2020
PostedAgenda and reports for the business meeting
Appendix for agenda item number 8
Appendix for agenda item number 15
Appendix 3 for agenda item number 15
Draft Assessment of the Authority’s Performance 2019/20
Improvement and Well-being Plan 2021/22
Preparation for the UK’s Withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit)
Legal Challenge to the 2015 Pension Reforms
Firefighters Pension Schemes Discretionary Policy Statement
Internal Audit Annual Report 2019/20
Audited Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
Treasury Management Activity and Actual Prudential Indicators for 2019/2020
Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/24 and Budget 2021/22
Principal Officers' Pay Award 2020
Appointment of a Fire and Rescue Authority Member to serve on the Standards Committee