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#Just1 distraction is a recipe for disaster

Many of us have adapted during the lockdown restrictions either working from home or home-schooling, and with an increase in multitasking there is an increased risk of a kitchen fire - just one distraction is all it takes to create a recipe for disaster.

All residents continue to have a part to play in reducing demand on our services, as we  launch the #Just1 campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of kitchen fires.

Over 40% of all fires in the home start in the kitchen – showing just how easy preparing a meal can turn to disaster.

But during the recent lockdown crisis, that figure has risen even higher as people have been spending more time than usual cooking in the kitchen.

To help prevent a fire within your home, we're urging people to please STAY ALERT and avoid leaving the room while cooking. If you do leave the room, please turn the stove off and keep the stove top area clear.

Paul Scott, Senior Fire Safety Manager, explains:

“With everyone confined to their homes during, many of us have been getting creative with how we pass the time and that has included comforting ourselves by cooking more, sharing recipes and posting photos of creations on social media.

“This is a great way of keep in touch with family and friends – but we have noticed an increase in kitchen fires as a result.

“Unfortunately, we are all too aware that just one distraction whilst cooking really could spell disaster - it sounds obvious but getting distracted is one of the main causes of a kitchen fire, whether it’s a distraction from our children or simply using a mobile phone or tablet.

“It’s startling that 40% of all the fires we attend tend to start in the kitchen - but even more startling to think that most of these could be prevented by taking some very simple precautions.

“This means reducing the chances of you or your family getting hurt, or of you having to foot the bill for a completely new kitchen.”

kitchen on fire

Over 40% of all fires at home start in the kitchen

The large majority of cooking fires occur in the kitchen and being distracted is the biggest human factor responsible, with falling asleep being a close second. This means food left cooking – resulting in a smoke logged kitchen, damaged equipment or in the worst cases, serious damage, injury or harm.

Other causes involve material left on the hob or too near the cooker, dirty ovens or overheated chip pans.

We're therefore highlighting these key safety tips as part of our #Just1 campaign:

  • Never turn your back on your cooking
  • Keep your oven clean and don’t leave items nearby that could catch fire
  • Test your smoke alarms regularly
  • In the event of a fire in your kitchen, get out, stay out and call 999.

Paul Scott, Senior Fire Safety Manager, said: “The biggest favour you as members of the public can do for us as firefighters right now is to take extra care, so that you reduce the demand on our services.

“From experience, we know that when people spend more time at home the risk of fire can increase.

“So, I’m urging everyone to take extra care to help us to prevent incidents from happening in the first place.

“We all have a part to play during the coronavirus crisis.”

kitchen fire

Sound familiar? Learn more about keeping safe

Do you ever have a quick scroll through social media whilst you’re cooking?

Have you carried on cooking even though you’ve probably had a bit too much to drink?

Do you sometimes put oil to heat in your frying pan and then forget all about it?

Have you finished using your grill and then forgotten to switch it off?

Do you put your tea towel down too close to the hob only to find it gets scorched?

It's so easy to get side-tracked or to lose concentration in the kitchen - we know as 40% of all the house fires we attend start in the kitchen.

#Just1 distraction is all it takes to create a recipe for disaster.

Don't turn you back on your cooking.

There's more advice on how to keep safe when cooking here.

kitchen fire

Take part in our competition - £150 Amazon vouchers up for grabs

As part of our campaign, you can take part in our a cooking safety competition on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with £150 of Amazon vouchers up for grabs.

It only takes a few minutes to take part – follow #Just1 to find out more.

amazon gift card

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